
Making Decisions

We would all like to believe that we make rational decisions, based on facts and logical thinking. However, the truth may be far from this simple assumption. There are two ways we make decisions. The first way is to make decisions based on what we think, and by this, we mean logical thinking. Thinking that […]

Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset

Carol Dweck is a researcher in the field of success psychology for over 30 years and is the author of “Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential”. In this book, she put forward the idea that your success in life is not as dependent on your ability and intelligence as it is […]

Whatever act done repeatedly becomes a habit

Whatever act through body, speech and mind that is done repeatedly becomes a habit, and quietly slips below the conscious mind. Mental habits are useful, but they can also become harmful as circumstances change. What is an appropriate response initially may no longer be appropriate now. So, re-examine your mental habits.

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