There were these 3 Monks in a canoe…seriously…
I was doing some work, ahem, ok I was relaxing a little by the beach after doing some work. I first saw one monk in a canoe, then he rowed around the corner and then all three of them appeared a few minutes later. It was magical, they all looked so at peace with the present moment it was joyous, you could see them smiling and their positivity was contagious.
One was rowing the other two enjoying the moment.
They looked happy and peaceful to say the least. This is mindfulness, enjoying the moment.
This week I have been reflecting on being in the present moment and as I write this, I ponder the monkeys that tourists feed, who then go on to terrorize the neighbourhood and the five maybe six that were sitting on the roof of the hut next to mine this morning before the property maintenance guys scared them away. And the 20 or so that were in a bar the other morning helping themselves to whatever they found whilst the bar owner across the street was using them as mindful target practice for his catapult.
I must confess I don’t like monkeys enough to feed them, unless I am deep in the forest, and they are eating mangoes. Before you hate on me, remember they are wild animals and if you are one of those stupid people who feeds them don’t complain when they bite your hand or worse! I repeat they are wild animals…!
Back to the present moment, I am present enough to write this newsletter and happy enough now to send you some positive holiday vibes from Thailand.
To be brutally honest, I really wanted to go and do some Thai Boxing today but one of my fingers is still kinda broken. Yes, I could go and soldier on but decided not to. I really want it to heal a little more before I get back to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, but deep inside know it may not.
I keep questioning myself, is this a valid excuse to not go to Thai Boxing? Or am I a slacker!?
Questions I often ask myself when I am relaxing and trying to enjoy the moment.
How about you? Are there any questions you ask yourself? When you probably should be kind to yourself??
Do drop me a DM or comment on this post. And thanks for reading.